Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Four NLP Techniques Anyone Can Use for Self-Transformation

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When we think of Makeovers and transformations, automatically, we think of getting that much needed new haircut with a change of hair color maybe, or updating an out-of-fashion wardrobe. But, self-transformation goes beyond the outward physical change and should transcend from within. After all, beauty is not only about what is on the outside and must shine through skin deep. Wellness and meditation do indeed create that profound effect in making that change from within. But how about rediscovering your potential and project a confidence in yourself that you have never thought was in you with NLP.

Makeover Your Life with NLP

If you are unfamiliar with NLP, it actually stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Now, it sounds kind of scientific and farfetched. But what NLP actually is that it can provide you with the transformational techniques that you need to help you understand and change the patterns that affect your thinking and behavior.  Basically, it helps you to rewire your negative behavior and thought patterns and replace them with new and positive ones, which can influence the outcomes in your life, from the personal aspect, relationships and career. Now, that is taking makeover to a much higher level.   

It merges the thinking process (Neuro), language you use (Linguistics) and model behaviors, habit and attitudes (Programming) into a powerful tool for holistic change. It works by taking successful thought and communication patterns of others and incorporating it into your own. It leaves out the complication of figuring out how you can change and simply teach yourself with what makes others successful in all aspects of their life.

Primarily, it helps you to effectively communicate with others, shatter inhibitions, anxieties and destructive habits and even curb procrastination. Essentially, it can help you achieve an overall balanced life. But of course, learning the many influential techniques in NLP requires in-depth study and learning. There are a number of NLP techniques that you can use now to start creating that change in your life.

NLP Anchoring

One of the NLP techniques, and probably the simplest, that you can easily and immediately use to start your transformation. Anchoring refers to a process of associating a stimulus, whether it is a sound, image, touch, taste or smell, to trigger a response in you. It allows you to tap into these stimuli anytime that you want to activate creativity, concentration, learning and even a sense of happiness.

All it takes is a simple meditation. Find a quiet spot where you can comfortably stay relaxed and remember a time when you experienced the very emotion that you want to tap. Completely immerse yourself into this memory and recall what you saw, heard or felt as if you are reliving it once again. Once you have done this, connect a word or an action that you can easily associate with or anchor the feeling or experience, like a simple and subtle rubbing of your fingers. You should tap into this anchor whenever you want to experience a desired state. Unknowingly, you are transferring positive resources from your past to influence your present.

Changing Feelings by Dissociation

On the flipside, there is Dissociation. While Anchoring allows you to connect past powerful experience with a pleasant present experience to achieve a desirable outcome, Dissociation, on the other hand, allows you to free yourself from a past pain or a present stress. It can help shatter phobias or traumatic experiences to achieve a relaxed state.

It works by detaching yourself from the very negative emotion that you want to dispel. Identify the emotion that you want to get rid of and put yourself experiencing it in an observer point of view. One of the best ways to disconnect with this negative emotion is to play this mental scenario over and over again with a funny music played along with it. This works because the emotional response to this negative experience changes as the stimulus has also been changed. This is one of the many fun NLP techniques that can create a great impact in transforming your life.


One of the many techniques that NLP can teach you is harnessing your communication skills and intensifying your ability to establish Rapport. NLP teaching inculcates that communication should be about the response you get from the person you are relating to, more than just the words or message you relay. It is actually one of the four pillars of NLP that will help you achieve any possible success there is.

NLP employs several techniques to establish a fruitful and creative rapport. This involves being highly observant not just on the words being uttered, but also the body language and vocal characteristics of the other person you are talking to.

The simplest and most obvious technique in establishing rapport is to genuinely take interest in what the person is telling you. But this can be amplified with NLP techniques such as Mirroring and Modeling. One of the easiest Rapport techniques is Mirroring. It literally involves subtly “mirroring” or matching another person’s gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice to demonstrate understanding or sympathy with the other person.

Also, because majority of communication is based on non-verbal expressions, NLP Rapport techniques emphasizes that you listen to the ideas being relayed by the other person, rather than the choice of words used. So again, rapport highly involves reading and listening to people’s body gestures and facial expressions.


Have you ever encountered a situation in your life that has made you feel sad or powerless, say getting fired from a job or being criticized for a hard work? Reframing is an NLP technique that lets you see things in a different and positive perspective. If you look at it, Reframing is not something new and you probably have been doing this for quite a few times when you experience road blocks in life.

This NLP technique is actually one of the easiest that you can do to perform that holistic makeover in your life. It involves taking your focus out of negative aspects of a certain situation and channeling it to more productive and positive benefits of it. It is important that you remember that there is good or bad side to everything and it is best to always concentrate on the good ones.

NLP holds a plethora of techniques that you can use to make that immense impact in your life. More than the change in your physical beauty, transforming your life beginning with what is inside you and your potential will be a more dramatic makeover. 

NLP Books for Beginners - A Best Way to Start

1.  Get the Life You Want by Richard Bandler

2. NLP: The New Technology of Achievement, edited by Steve Andreas and Charles Faulkner

3. Introducing NLP by Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour